Thank you for your interest in our ConsignO Desktop and CertifiO Desktop solutions for macOS.
While it is possible to make full use of the digital signature in a macOS environment, there are differences in security protocols between Windows and macOS that may affect your experience with our tools. We are currently aware of some issues with ConsignO for macOS that can affect the use of the signature and give you a different experience than windows.
Differences in user experience between macOS and Windows
Features | macOS | Windows |
Signing multiple individual documents in ConsignO |
Users will be required to enter the password for each individual document that must be signed*. No concept of Entrust session. |
Users needs to enter the password only one time to sign multiple individual documents in a single Entrust session. (An Entrust session is 1 minute, which means that if you sign another document within this minute, you won’t have to enter your password again) |
Right-Click outside of ConsignO Desktop |
macOS doesn’t give you the ability to use right-click functionnalities from the Finder. You can only perform the right-click from ConsignO Desktop. |
Windows gives you the option to right-click from ConsignO Desktop, but also from the file explorer. You can check the options here. |
Update of the digital signature |
On macOS, without any installation of additional tools, users will be required to connect to the online account to perform the update. Signing a document in ConsignO will not update the signature It is now possible, by installing our software called EESD, to perform the update by connecting your EPF file to the macOS equivalent of the Entrust Client |
It is possible to update the signature, when required, by either:
Connect to your online account at |
Use of the CertifiO Cloud digital signature (ConsignO Desktop 3.9 and later) |
You must reconnect to your Notarius account each time you close ConsignO Desktop |
You stay connected on your Notarius account even if you close ConsignO Desktop and reopen it within a week. |
You would like to use ConsignO Desktop on macOS?
You can download the software using the link below:
Need help using the digital signature on macOS
Please do not hesitate to consult our help pages for macOS for more information:
How to use the digital signature in Adobe
Alternatively, to using our own solution, it is possible to use our signature with third-party software like Adobe
To use Adobe, there will be some extra configuration that will need to be done on the computer, first:
Adobe presents its own features, and certain features available in ConsignO like signing multiple documents (batch signing) are not possible in Adobe
Are you having difficulty using or installing EESD ? You can contact us here.
Or alternatively, you can view our troubleshooting page for EESD here :