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Identity verification: what do you need to prepare? (USA)

Quebec notary ? Follow the process on your identity verification form instead.
Member of a Professional Association ? Please have your Member ID readily available for your identity verification.
Your background is personalized or blurred? For proper document clarity, we require that any virtual background is deactivated during the meeting.
Subscriber who would like an additional signature ? If your identity verification was completed less than two years ago, click here.

1) Prepare TWO pieces of ID

They must be valid, issued by a recognized governmental entity (only original IDs are accepted) and less than 10 years old.

  • The primary ID must include, in addition to a photo and signature, the first(s) & last(s) name, and the birth date as it appears on the subscription form.
  • The secondary ID must reasonably mention the first(s) and last(s) name.

Only the IDs below are accepted:

Canada USA Other  

Primary ID

  • Passport
  • Driver’s licence with RealID
  • Nexus card
  • Citizenship card
  • Permanent resident card
  • Department of Defense ID
  • Citizenship and Immigration Services Employment Authorization Card

Secondary ID

  • Any additional primary ID
  • Driver’s licence without RealID (until the 7th of May 2025)
  • Social insurance card
  • Employee card issued by a federal or provincial authority, including military ID (excludes cities and municipalities)
  • PIV or PIV-I card (with photo)
  • American indian tribe card
  • Employment authorization card
  • Employee card issued by a federal or provincial authority, as well as military ID (excludes cities and municipalities)
    • Warning: Employee cards are accepted only if they contain at least a photo, your full name and an expiry date

Notarius reserves the right to perform additional and subsequent checks. If you do not have the necessary pieces of ID, please contact customer service.

2) Test the readability of the pieces of ID using your camera
(use a smartphone to minimize potential technical issues)

Your identity verification is performed face-to-face with one of our agent, using the videoconferencing service with end-to-end encryption. Please ensure that your pieces of ID are clearly readable during the test with Zoom.

  • Smartphone: relaunch the test meeting after installing the App.
  • Windows or OS X: click on “download and run Zoom”

Launch Zoom and
test your camera

Your pieces of ID are not clearly legible?
You don’t have access to a camera or smartphone?

Note: this test does not check your Internet speed. Please make sure to use a high-speed connection during your identity verification session.