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You want to sign from a computer at home? Steps to follow


You have access to your main computer:

Follow these steps:

  1. Copy your digital signature certificate (file .EPF) onto a removable drive in preparation of step 5. If the location hasn’t been modified, your certificate should be at the following location: C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\Documents\Notarius
  2. Copy your signatures/seals appearances onto the same removable drive used for your certificate from this location C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\.consigno3\images and place them into the folder of your choice on your additional computer.
  3. Download and install the required software onto the new computer. To do so, access our Download page and select CertifiO Suite as well as CertifiO Manager.
  4. Create your signature appearances: How to create my signature appearances
  5. Configure your .EPF file in order to initialize it on your new computer: How to open a session with your digital certificate


You don’t have access to your main computer:

Follow those steps:

  1. Download and install the required software onto the new computer. To do so, access our Download page and select CertifiO Suite and CertifiO Manager
  2. Create your signature appearances: How to create my signature appearances
  3. Recover your digital signature: How to recover my digital signature online


Important : Performing a recovery of your digital certificate disables the previous versions of it . In order to be able to sign on your main work station, you will need to make sure you are using the most recent version of it, and then log in to Entrust EESP to initialize it : How to open a session with your digital certificate