WARNING: Please make sure to review the Proxy and Firewall configuration pages.
(as ConsignO Desktop, CertifiO Manager and Entrust Client needs to communicate with our servers).
Each command will need to be performed from the location of the .EXE file.
CertifiO Manager does not need administrative privileges for installation.
To remove the progress windows during installation, do the following:
certifio-manager.exe /S
If you are using CertifiO Manager – Server Edition, to set the ID 7, type:
certifio-manager.exe /S /CFMID=7
IMPORTANT: CFM is updated automatically when a new version is available. If you want to prevent auto-update, please contact Support to learn about the procedure.
From a command prompt (CMD.exe) with administrative rights, execute the following command (note that the /S parameter is in upper case):
consigno-desktop-3.9.1–en.exe /S
ecawin64-11.0.10.exe /S