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You want to access your digital signature but you have lost your password and/or your .epf file.

Please note that this solution only applies to subscribers of a CertifiO Desktop digital signature (hosted on .epf file or token). If you are looking for a solution for a CertifiO Cloud digital signature (hosted on Notarius’ secure cloud), click on this page.

Choose the statement below that best describes your situation:

  1. I have access to my professional email address or my alternate email address associated with my Notarius signature.
  2. I do not have access to my professional email address, nor do I have access to my secondary email address associated with my Notarius signature.
  3. I no longer remember my answers to my 3 secret questions.


1. I have access to my professional email address or my alternate email address associated with my Notarius signature

Let’s recover your digital signing certificate (.epf file) and update your information.

  1. Recover your digital signature certificate:
    1. Go to
    2. Enter your business email address associated with your digital signature; you will receive an email at your alternate email address AND at your business email address associated with your digital signature.
      1. If you do not have access to either of these options, contact our Customer Service team.
    3. In your mailbox, you will receive an email * from, Open it
      1. Check your unwanted emails.
      2.  Make sure to add in your contacts to avoid our emails going to spam.
    4. Click on Recover your digital signature.
    5. On your browser, answer your 3 security questions and click Next.
    6. You will receive an email indicating your reference number.
    7. Complete the form.
      1. If you began the recovery process before, verify your previous emails. You should have received a reference number.
    8. Click Download and activate.
      1. On macOS, your activation is complete! Password authentication will be done when signing a document.
    9. Open the .epf file you just downloaded; a user session will prompt you to enter your digital signature password.
    10. Enter your password and click OK.
    11. An Entrust session will then be opened on your computer.
      1. The Entrust icon will now show as connected (logged in).

You have access to your digital signature on your computer.*
* If you have more than one digital signature, to ensure your security, repeat this procedure for each of your signatures. Be sure to log out and log in each time.

Click here to download the PDF version.

2. I do not have access to my professional email address, nor do I have access to my alternate email address associated with my Notarius signature

Contact our Customer Service Team.

3. I no longer remember my answers to the 3 secret questions.

  1. To re-access your signature, register without payment by clicking here.
    1. You will then be prompted to perform an identity verification with one of our Identity Verification Agents.