Natively, Entrust doesn’t allow the feature to copy/paste your password into the login window. Notarius recommend that you type manually your digital signature password as it is your digital identity and its password must be known by heart to avoid storing it in an unsecure location.
However, we do recognize that this copy/paste feature can be helpful if you are using a password manager (Which is a secure location). As you cannot activate the autofill on the login window either, you can follow the below steps.
From the Windows search, type Registry Editor and click Open
From the Registry Editor, access this path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Entrust\ECAW
In the right section of the window, right-click and select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value
Name the new value EnablePasswordFromClipboard and press Enter
Right-click on this new value and select Modify
Type the number 1 in the field Value Data and click Ok