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Combined Actions

What you should know

Having to perform multiple steps on a document can be inefficient. ConsignO provides the ability to launch a PDF/A conversion, apply a template and sign documents in a single step using the Combined Actions option. This option can be accessed by right-clicking in the file explorer or in the My Computer view in ConsignO Desktop. Combined actions can be applied to one or multiple PDF documents.

To perform combined actions:

  1. Select the documents you want to modify. You can either:
    1. From the My Computer view panel in ConsignO, select a folder or multiple files the same way you would do it in your file browser.
    2. From your desktop, select the files or a folder in your Windows Explorer.
  2. Start the file modification process. You can either:
    1. If you selected the files from ConsignO, right-click and select Combined Actions from the menu or click Edit > Combined Actions from the main window menu.
    2. If you selected the files from your desktop, right-click and select Send to > ConsignO -1. Combined Actions.
  3. From the  Combined Actions Wizard you can:Convert the file to a PDF/A format.
      1. Select the checkbox to the right if you want this action performed on the file.
      2. Click on the bar with the greater than (>) symbol to select which format to convert into.
    1. Apply a template
      1. Select the checkbox to the right if you want this action performed on the file
      2. Click on the bar with the greater than (>) symbol to change the applied template. The template chosen in Preferences is applied by default.
    2. Sign the document
      1. Select the checkbox to the right if you want this action performed on the file.
      2. Click on the bar with the greater than (>) symbol to change the signature options as you would Sign a document only.
    3. Modify the Save Options
      1. Click on the bar with the greater than (>) symbol to change the save options. The options configured in Preferences are applied by default.
  4. Click Lauch

NOTE: If an action cannot be accomplished, the checkbox stays greyed out and a message explains the reason.