ConsignO Cloud Release Notes
ConsignO Cloud 2.55.0 – February 13th, 2025
New features:
- It is now possible to generate an audit trail without including the original and final documents signed.
- A confirmation message is displayed to the user when they click on the “Trash” button of a document shared from the dashboard.
- Users with an account without a validated email address see a clear message explaining that email validation is required before they can log in.
- A message is displayed on the document sharing dashboard page, for administrators and project initiator, when the package has expired or the batch is exhausted.
Bug fixes:
- The name of the organization appears in the email sent to signatories when creating the signature project via the API.
- An adjustment to the calculation of the maximum size of uploaded documents now prevents the display of an unnecessary error message.
- Enrolling in a cloud digital signature before finalizing an invitation to join an organization no longer generates an error message when attempting to sign in to the Solo account.
- It is again possible to recover the seal of your association from the page for creating the appearance of the signature.
- Editing the name or date of a draft project initiator signature no longer triggers the sending of a warning email for the update.
- Editing an in-person signing contact in a signing project only affects the project, and the change is not propagated to the address book.
- A project initiator belonging to a group without editing rights can still save individual models.
- Reminder emails for the expiration of an uncompleted document sharing project are now sent.
ConsignO Cloud 2.54.0 – January 14th, 2025
- Emails informing of the deletion of document sharing projects are sent to the project initiator when the document sharing is completed and the retention period defined by the organization has expired, or when the expiration date of the sharing project is reached.
- The names of shared documents are displayed in the shared document information details window.
- An error message appears when a recipient tries to access documents that are no longer shared with them.
Bug fixes:
- It is again possible to successively sign documents in a multi-document project, keeping the active document displayed, and not returning directly to the first signed document.
- Editing a signer in a batch project only modifies that specific signer.
- It is again possible to sign a document sent via ConsignO Cloud in ConsignO Desktop with your CertifiO signature, then upload it to ConsignO Cloud for finalization.
- A signatory whose email address contains a capital letter sees the correct message for completing their step displayed at the top of the page after signing.
- When sharing documents, the date and time of notification differs significantly from that of downloading.
- When clicking on “Redefine order”, the order of the signatories remains unchanged until the project initiator modified it.
- When editing a signature project, there is no message indicating the sending of a reminder.
- Passwords containing the characters “<” or “>” are now supported.
- Editing an in-person signer contact no longer brings up the propagation confirmation box, because propagation does not apply for in-person signer type contacts.
- Batch signing is once again functional for projects including an project initiator signatory.
ConsignO Cloud 2.53.0 – November 29th, 2024
Bug fixes:
- It is again possible to re-invite a contact to the organization if they already have a Notarius account.
- The models are again accessible to all members of the same group.
ConsignO Cloud 2.52.0 – November 6th, 2024
New features:
- Document sharing allows you to transfer files securely.
- Accessible with Business 2, Business 5, Business 20, Enterprise (and trial) plans as well as API plans.
- Configuration possible at organization level.
Bug fixes:
- For bulk projects, assigning a text field for a signer is now functional again.
- A more explicit error message appears for projects launched with a shared secret contact, when it does not include either a question or an answer.
- Access to a refused signature project does not allow consultation of the documents, the signatories or the reason for the refusal. Currently, the content of this project is not accessible. However, it is possible to recover the information by duplicating the refused signature project and relaunching it if necessary.
ConsignO Cloud 2.51.0 – October 22nd, 2024
Changed the location of the UTC time and date in emails sent to signers.
Bug fixes:
- The link to download signed documents, sent by email to the signatories, remains active for a retention period defined by the organization.
- Only the last 4 digits of the phone number are visible in the confirmation message when sending a code via phone call or text message.
- Dates in a French audit log will be correctly displayed in French.
- Better data processing allows contacts to be displayed in the address book in alphabetical order.
- A document signed with ConsignO Desktop cannot be re-uploaded to ConsignO Cloud at this time. You will need to sign the document directly in ConsignO Cloud.
ConsignO Cloud 2.50.0 – September 12th, 2024
- It is possible to configure the default role assigned to a project initiator within an organization.
- In templates, a text field can be quickly assigned to a signer via the options menu.
- A maximum size limit per signature project is effective on the plan offered.
- An error message appears when the maximum size of a signature project is reached.
- An organization’s administrator can access and change the API key language.
- It is possible to configure the default role assigned to the API key within the organization.
Bug fixes:
- A multi-document project can again be signed with ConsignO Desktop from ConsignO Cloud for holders of a CertifiO digital signature.
- An approver with a CertifiO digital signature can again finalize the approval of a signature project.
- A project initiator limited to a group can only initiate projects within this group.
- All audit logs are now automatically generated.
- Reminder emails for completed projects only show signers who have not yet uploaded the final document.
- An email invitation to join an organization sent from a business plan remains active for more than 24 hours.
- The label of a text field can be modified in a signature project.
- To launch a project with shared secret via API, it is necessary to provide a question and an answer in the attributes.
- When a project is launched from an organization requiring an authentication factor, the appropriate error message is displayed if this factor is missing.
ConsignO Cloud 2.49.0 – August 15th, 2024
New features:
Signing in person
- In-person signing allows a project initiator to require that the signature be executed in person in a signing project.
- Available for Business 5, Business 20, Enterprise (and trial), and API plans
- Configurable by organization
- The first and last name of a contact holding a CertifiO digital signature cannot be edited when this contact is used as an approver or as a owner in a text field.
- The error message text displayed when digital signature validation fails is improved to instruct the signer to use the most recent signature file associated with their account.
- The visibility of our logos is improved for users preferring “Dark” mode in emails.
- A project initiator can assign himself as an approver in one click from the option menu in the project creation page by clicking on the “Assign me approver” function.
ConsignO Cloud Solo:
- Digital signature holders get a preview of the features offered in ConsignO Cloud when they use their CertifiO Cloud digital signature to sign with ConsignO Cloud Solo.
- The ConsignO Cloud Solo interface displays the digital signature(s) in their possession to the user.
- The login page allowing access to ConsignO Cloud Solo also provides access to information on the CertifiO Cloud digital signature.
Bug fixes:
- Project initiator receive a notification email again indicating that the signature project is completed or that a signature is made when the signature project involves a group of recipients.
- Business plan holding additional licenses are offered the renewal box with the number of additional licenses upon renewal.
- When two signers simultaneously attempt to sign a document, the success messages for one and the error message for the other are handled correctly again, the signing process can be completed without blocking.
- The actions to be completed in a multidocument project with annotations are correctly indicated in the “actions” section on the signature page.
- The action of uploading a document to be “signed with ConsignO Desktop” from ConsignO Cloud and not completed no longer blocks other participants in the signing project.
- Adding a signer and a new document to a signature project works perfectly with Anchor.
- A contact created in a project launched by API is also found in the address book.
ConsignO Cloud 2.48.0 – June 25th, 2024
New features:
- A signer can be added several times to a signature project from the address book.
- Business plan administrators can specify their organization’s email domains to take advantage of custom format signature appearances for signers in their domains.
- For Enterprise plans, the date format in the audit log can be configured on demand to appear in ISO 8601 format.
Bug fixes:
- It is possible again to duplicate and launch a signature project with an expiration date of “Today”.
- A signer added to a recipients group with a text field will automatically be assigned that text field.
- The “Details” of a project on the dashboard updates when a signer is added or removed from a recipients group.
ConsignO Cloud Solo :
- Safari on Mac and Firefox on PC users no longer see error messages after signing a document.
ConsignO Cloud 2.47.0 – May 1, 2024
- The project initiator can replace a signatory in a project with a signatory already present in the project.
- Tooltips for text fields associated with a recipient group are responsive on the project creation page or on the document.
Bug fixes:
- Ending viewing a help tutorial on the project creation page keeps the data on the page and no longer displays an error message.
- An error message reappears on the Notarius account login page when an incorrect password is entered.
- The window indicating to wait while duplicating a project is displayed to the user again.
ConsignO Cloud Solo:
- The text component included when creating a custom signature appearance is once again editable.
ConsignO Cloud 2.46.0 – April 3, 2024
New features:
Recipient group
- This function allows a project initiator to assign a signature to a group of recipients but only one group member signature is needed:
- Available for Business 5, Business 20, Enterprise (and trial), and API plans
- Configurable by organization: enabled by default
- The signature appearance customization area is expanded to make entering a signature easier.
- The area for customizing the appearance of the signature now offers the possibility of creating a signature with a less pronounced thickness and in a navy blue color, thus allowing you to compose an aesthetic signature.
- In case of SAML connection, when multiple roles are returned in a response, the one with the highest priority takes precedence.
Bug fixes:
- When holders of a ConsignO Cloud plan and a CertifiO signature renew or upgrade their plan, the pro rata corresponding to the unused portion is displayed to the customer before payment.
- The renewal box for an expired account is displayed correctly.
- The functionality to display a maintenance or warning message on the site is available again.
ConsignO Cloud 2.45.0 – March 5, 2024
New features:
- Implementation of a new function: delegation of signature, this allows a signatory to transfer the signature of a project to another signatory:
- Available for Business 5, Business 20, Enterprise (and free trial), and API plans
- Configurable by organization
- The delegating signatory may sign and/or withdraw the delegation
- It is possible to assign a text field directly to a signatory using the options menu.
- It is possible to benefit from a promotion for a combined CertifiO cloud and ConsignO Cloud plan.
- Password recovery emails are only sent to COC account holders.
- Deactivated users will no longer receive reminder emails from ConsignO Cloud.
Bug fixes:
- It is again possible to launch an API project without specifying the language of the signatory.
ConsignO Cloud 2.44.1 – January 17, 2024
New features:
Additional validations are put in place for signature projects launched by API in order to display an error message on invalid email addresses.
The deletion of the last domain name authorized by an organization in a business plan cannot be done by the administrator of the organization.
Bug fixes:
The message “Signature projetc has expired…” appears again when a signer tries to access an expired signature project.
It is once again possible for two parallel signatories to sign projects simultaneously.
A redirection to the project creation page displays the default group to which the project initiator belongs.
Holders of a ConsignO Cloud Solo account can once again use the ConsignO Cloud account creation form to benefit from the advantages linked to both accounts.
Organizations that have activated scribble signature and signature personalization can once again offer these functions for CertifiO and CertifiO Cloud signatories without display problems.
The terms of use are clearly displayed in English for a signatory with English as the language of communication when the instrumenter creates a project with an interface in French.
The organization logo is displayed again in the signature of signatories internal to an organization.
ConsignO Cloud 2.43.0 – November 14, 2023
- The type of image format supported is displayed in the tooltip to make it easier to select an image when creating a signature appearance.
Bug fixes:
- A connection to an expired account displays the account expiration page in the correct language with the plans available in ConsignO Cloud.
- The “Preferences” page of an individual account in English displays the label of the “Projects launched” and “Authorized projects” fields in the correct language.
- ConsignO Cloud Solo users no longer receive email notifications of deletion of their signed documents.
ConsignO Cloud 2.42.0 – October 30, 2023
Bug fixes:
- Reordering documents to be signed in a signing project no longer affects “number of zone” counter.
In the signature room, the text size of the text fields is identical in all areas on the document to be signed.
The contents of text fields assigned to an internal and external signer will be displayed identically for a project initiator.
- The preview of the uploaded document correctly displays a corrupted document if the PDF image generation does not conform to the document for organizations with mandatory PDF/A conversion on documents.
Changing plan (e.g. moving from a Business 5 to Business 2) keeps the contacts in the individual address book.
Users of an expired ConsignO Cloud account can download the completed signature projects again.
Importing contacts via a CSV file by a user who is a member of a group adds them to the group’s address book.
Creating a template, or saving a project as a template, containing a message for everyone no longer causes an error message when saving.
- The options menu displayed to the right of the sharing function closes properly when performing other actions
ConsignO Cloud 2.41.0 – August 29, 2023
New features:
- Administrators of organizations have more control over the “Signature Block” with the option to “Add Text” to personalize communication sent by email.
- It is now possible for organizations to define the role of a new user as soon as the invitation is sent. Does not apply to organizations whose roles are managed from an integration with their IdP (SAML).
- The mention “Do not reply to this message” in emails from ConsignO Cloud is more prominently displayed
Bug fixes:
- Batch signing is functional for Certifio Cloud signers.
- Editing an annotation in a project containing multiple documents correctly displays the content of the annotation.
- Once signed by one of the signatories, a project launched in parallel remains on the dashboard of the other signatories.
ConsignO Cloud 2.40.0 – August 16, 2023
New features:
- For ConsignO Cloud Solo users who also have a ConsignO Cloud subscription (other than the Enterprise plan), it is now possible to share or to have a document signed as soon as the document is signed.
- When applicable and available, members of a professional order access the image of their professional order’s seal in the signature appearance creation page in order to customize the signature. appearance with the image of the seal.
Bug fixes:
- The second factor confirmation box again displays the second factor information for a projetc initiator signing with multiple projects to sign.
- Holders of a deleted ConsignO Cloud account can now create a new subscription or log in or accept an invitation without any problem.
- It is again possible to download a certified copy in all scenarios.
- Holders of a deleted ConsignO Cloud account can now create a new subscription or log in or accept an invitation without any problem.
- All active CertifiO cloud signatures in the account are displayed, expired signatures are ignored.
- The aspects dropped on a document in a first action followed by a change of tab then the addition of new aspects always keep the first aspects applied.
- An attempt to connect with a CertifiO Cloud signature not activated or revoked again displays the error message “No valid digital signature certificate found”.
ConsignO Cloud 2.39.0 – June 22, 2023
New features:
- For ConsignO Cloud Solo users who also have a ConsignO Cloud plan (other than the Enterprise plan), it is possible to:
- access their signed documents from the ConsignO Cloud dashboard.
- share their signed documents from the ConsignO Cloud dashboard.
- create a signature project using their signed documents from the ConsignO Cloud dashboard.
Bug fixes:
- The “Signature Block” of emails defined and sent from the API remains the same when the project is subsequently edited by a project initiator.
- Editing the order of signers in a bulk project correctly displays new signer positions in the project edit page.
- The email notification of a signature refusal is sent again when the signature project is launched by API and then subsequently edited by an project initiator.
- From mobile, a multiple digital signature holder can update their default signature aspect.
- From mobile, a multiple digital signature holder retains these custom appearance when the default aspect is removed.
- Accepting an invite received by a Solo user no longer displays a system error message.
ConsignO Cloud 2.38.0 – May 16, 2023
In the pages for creating projects, organization groups, organization projects and in the address book, when applicable, groups of membership are ordered in alphabetical order when they are displayed.
The fist project created by an initiator, member of a group, is now created by default in his membership group.
Support for the new Canadian area code 368.
Bug fixes:
A signature project created from an organization model correctly displays and associates the name of the last group used by the project initiator and not the name of the first group in the list.
ConsignO Cloud Users with an expired digital signature can log into ConsignO Cloud again.
A “Wrong email or password” error message is displayed when a CertifiO signer does not fill in the information correctly when connecting.
The address book displays only selected digital signature affixed in the signature project and not all the signatures owned by the signer.
Holders of an expired ConsignO Cloud membership and a ConsignO Cloud Solo account see the subscription expired warning message only once.
A deleted organization administrator no longer receives renewal notices.
The ‘Delete user’ button is no longer active for the administrator of an organization.
Custom signature looks retain their assigned dimensions when dropped onto a document.
Custom signature looks retain the dimensions assigned when they were created.
The default signature aspect is displayed correctly in the list of my signature aspects when you have several digital signatures.
The returnUrl now works with CertifiO /CertifiO Cloud type signatories.
An error message is returned for a CertifiO Cloud signer with bad AMR.
An error message is returned if, when launching a signature project with a CertifiO signatory, the "subjectDN" is not defined.
ConsignO Cloud 2.37.0 – April 11, 2023
New features:
- An organization administrator or manager who deletes or relaunch failed webhooks immediately gets a successful confirmation of the operation and refresh of the values ??in the page.
- A new monthly usage report by project initiator and group is available for Administrators or Managers of business or entreprise plans.
Bug fixes:
- The use of an API parameter allowing to specify whether or not to send an email notification to the project initiator is well taken into account, regardless of whether or not Webhooks are used.
- An API key with rights restricted to one or more groups is limited to launching signature projects only in its group or groups.
ConsignO Cloud 2.36.0 – March 7, 2023
New features:
Bug fixes:
- Holders of multiple digital Certifio Cloud signatures may sign with the digital signature that the project initiator has designated and affixed in the signature project. The email sent to the signatory will mention the selected signature.
A project initiator in an active organization can again accept the invitation to join another organization.
Users deleted from an organization are also deleted from the address book.
Users with an active ConsignO Cloud account and an expired ConsignO Cloud account can continue to access their active account.
ConsignO Cloud 2.35.1 – February 3, 2023
Bug fixes:
- A signatory is able to receive confirmation of the second authentication factor when he wishes to sign two consecutive projects.
ConsignO Cloud 2.35.0 – February 2, 2023
New features:
Bug fixes:
- From the dashboard, the sort by name or sort by status function works again.
The details column of the dashboard displays the count of signatures received in a signature project. A declined signature is no longer considered and counted as received.
The terms of use, for users joining an organization that uses authentication delegation to its IdP via SAML, are displayed in the language selected in the membership form.
An organization that deactivates two-factor authentication has the choice between only two types of signers, either a signer with an electronic signature or a signer with a CertifiO digital signature.
Uploading a document with an unsigned signature zone is possible again.
- A signatory is not able to complete the confirmation of the second authentication factor when he wishes to sign a second project consecutively, an error message is displayed asking him to wait for the transmission of a new code sms. In order not to be blocked, just use the first validation code received.
ConsignO Cloud 2.34.0 – December 6, 2022
New features:
An explicit error message is displayed when it is impossible to upload a document on the create signature project page.
For concerned organizations, a message is displayed when the “none” option is selected in the second authentication factor section when creating a new contact to remind the project initiator that the signer will access the document without additional authentication factor.
Audit trail
Webhook-specific header fields set by a third-party application using API calls remain available when using the LoginAS feature on accounts from other organizations.
A contact set as an embedded signer and as a person to notify now receives a notification to download the project.
Bug fixes:
Address book
Log in
- The attempt to connect to a signature project in an organization, whose SAML authentication delegation is active, displays again an error message when the user is not authorized.
- A warning message is again displayed to administrators who customize (reduce) the retention period for completed projects in their organization’s preferences.
- The account activation success message as well as the dashboard are displayed in the communication language defined by the new user of a SAML organization.
A template saved from a completed project retains the group it was originally associated with.
It is again possible to create a template with a signed document from a draft, an in-progress project, or a completed project.
A square signature aspect marked (or any other shape) as the default aspect retains its shape when dropped onto a document.
After completing the signing of a document, clicking on the ConsignO Cloud Solo logo at the top of the page brings you to the “Digitally sign a document” page.
ConsignO Cloud 2.33.0 – November 1, 2022
New features:
ConsignO Cloud Solo
Bug fixes:
- Create an account page
- Contacts
When replacing a signatory, as part of creating or editing a signature project, the edit icon and signature type logo correctly represent the properties of the contact in the address book
An error message is displayed when the size of the csv contacts import file is greater than 10MB.
- Billing
- Projects in bulk
Projects in bulk using the fusion field can be launched
When creating a project in bulk, the group affiliation uses the last selection made
- Reports
ConsignO Cloud 2.32.0 – October 4, 2022
New features:
- New reporting function available to administrators and managers of Business or Enterprise plans: Report giving the number of projects launched on a monthly basis and aggregated by project initiator or by group.
- ConsignO Cloud supports the attributes qualifying the level of identity assurance provided when authenticating signatories via an IdP and allows you to specify the minimum(s) required to sign. It is also possible to customize error messages when the level of identity assurance required is not sufficient.
Bug fixes:
- The dashboard display completed projects on the first login.
- The “Option” button, available for each signature project displayed on the dashboard remains active and displays all the options offered.
- The drop-down menu allowing the selection of the period to produce usage reports, available to administrators and managers of certain subscriptions with organization, display the months.
ConsignO Cloud 2.31.0 – September 1, 2022
- Improved performance of user dashboard initialisation.
Bug fixes:
The terms of use of signatories already accepted are not redisplayed to a project initiator who signs from his account.
It is possible to transfer a completed signature project to a person whose second authentication factor is the shared secret.?
The order of signatures established by the project initiator is maintained following the deletion of a signatory being in a grouped step with other signatories.
A signatory selected from the address book, whose email address is subsequently changed from the signature project creation page without propagating the change, will no longer be linked to the contact in the address book and cannot be changed or edited from the address book.
- COC-7729 : The drop-down menu allowing the selection of the period to produce usage reports, available to administrators and managers of certain subscriptions with organization, does not display the months. To make them appear, simply refresh the browser page (F5).
ConsignO Cloud 2.30.0 – July 12, 2022
- Searching in the address book allows to keep previous selections.
Bug fixes:
- Display of an error message when launching a batch signature project without a signature zone.
- For Enterprise plan, it is not possible to buy a subsequent signature projects pack if a pack is already pending activation.
- Business 5 and Business 20 plan, fixed the display of plan information, the date displayed on the counter of signature projects launched remains the date of renewal or purchase of the subscription.
- Individual Plan: end of receiving multiple renewal emails despite paying for its subscription.
- Downloading a document from a mobile device can be done without having to log in again.
- Transferring a completed signature project to a new contact (not added to the address book) whose second factor is a shared secret, no longer causes an error when accessing the project.
- Access by signatories to signature projects that were first expired and then relaunched is functional again.
- It is possible to complete the invitation to become a project initiator form without the error message “signup.errors.generic400” when validating the second authentication factor code.
ConsignO Cloud 2.29.4 – June 21, 2022
Bug fixes:
- Notifications, sending reminders every 5 days or based on the organization’s configuration
ConsignO Cloud 2.29.3 – June 14, 2022
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an instability where a 500 error was displayed occasionally when the signer accesses the link sent by email
ConsignO Cloud 2.29.0 – April 28, 2022
- Notaries’ entity
- Completed signature projects are not displayed in the dashboard of a notary who was a signatory but not the signature project initiator.
ConsignO Cloud 2.28.0 – March 23, 2022
Bug fixes:
- Indication that the documents of a signature project have been downloaded is correctly displayed in the trash can view
- Document download indicator is updated when using the download of multiple signature projects feature
- A new email notification is sent to the participant of a signature project when the contact’s communication language is changed by the project initiator
- Appropriate error message displayed when the Captcha has not been completed
ConsignO Cloud 2.27.1 – February 8, 2022
New features:
- New option, available in the preferences of a project initiator account, allowing, by default, to not require a signature order when creating a signature project
Bug fixes:
ConsignO Cloud 2.27.0 – December 7, 2021
New features:
- Visual indication on the dashboard that the signed documents of a signature project have been downloaded by the project initiator
- The detalis view of a signature project now shows a list of the people who have downloaded the signed documents
- Support for multiple API keys for an organization
- Option for the administrators of an organization to manage their authorized domains
- Addition of a note on the signature page indicating the number of documents left to sign
- Text field entry window displays content on multiple lines
- Option to manage external API keys for Business plan organization administrators
Bug fixes:
- Downloading a signed document from an iOS device is possible
- The options button for each signature project is not grayed out when the dashboard is displayed in some scenarios following a connection
- Audit trail document format is .PDF when the linked signature project name contains special characters
- Support for 672 area code for signatory phone numbers
ConsignO Cloud 2.26.0 – October 5, 2021
New features
- Introduction of a trash can allowing the recovery of documents from signature projects deleted less than 30 days ago
- Reassignment of signature projects (for subscription including an organization)
- It is now possible for an administrator to reassign signature projects from one project initiator to another
- An administrator can also assign this permission to the project initiators of his organization
- When reassigning a signature project from one project initiator to another, the former has no access to it while the latter is now the owner
- Batch download of final documents: the resulting ZIP file presents the documents in directories for each signature project
- It is now possible to invite a project initiator who is already a member of another organization
Bug fixes:
- Editing a contact, present in a signature project and from the project creation page, does not create a duplicate entry in the address book
- A signature project in parallel order remains editable even if a signature has been completed
- Adding a text field on a form type PDF document does not generate an error when filling the text field
- It is possible to connect to ConsignO Cloud from SharePoint when the option of authentication delegation is in place for an organization
ConsignO Cloud 2.25 – June 30, 2021
New features
- Option for an Administrator to export a report of his organization’ project initiators
Bug fixes
- Invitation of a project initiator possible even if no projects pack is active
- Proper display of accented characters in the “From” field of emails
- Various fixes related to the annotation function
ConsignO Cloud 2.24.8 – June 1, 2021
Bug fixes
Display of the window informing the project initiator that a document cannot be converted to PDF/A format when this conversion is mandatory for the organization
Editing the role of a user correctly retains basic permissions and the project initiator role
Proper display of document names that include special characters
ConsignO Cloud 2.24.6 – May 4, 2021
Bug fixes
Correction and display in order of the different projects pack available under the My Organization page
It is possible to add a person to notify on a signature project initiated from the API or a ConsignO Cloud connector
A signature project can be sent even if the email domain of an IdP-authenticated signatory has capital letters
It is now possible to add a CertifiO digital signatory even if the “do not require a signature order” box is checked
Minor corrections made to various texts
The column indicating the groups to which the projects initiatores are members is again displayed on the organization’s user page
ConsignO Cloud 2.24.5 – March 30, 2021
Bug fixes
ConsignO Cloud 2.24.4 – February 23, 2021
Bug fixes
Added robustness to avoid specific situations where signing a project became impossible or the generation of the audit trail was blocked
It is now possible to use the Sharepoint Connector with an account whose authentication is delegated to the organization’s IdP.
ConsignO Cloud 2.24.3 – November 10, 2020
Bug fixes
Connection on an tenant, where SAML authentication delegation is active and where a user session has expired, allows to be completed without displaying an error page “This site is inaccessible”
It is now possible to download the final documents of a signature project where documents have the same name
SharePoint Connector: Fixed a case where the connection by a new user fails (Oops… An error occured
ConsignO Cloud 2.24 – October 6, 2020
- Update to the interface on the “My Organization” page for purchasing projects pack or additional licenses
- For Business 2 and 5 plans, added a purchase option to switch to another plan from the My Organization page
Bug fixes
- Sending a manual reminder for a project with parallel signatories does not send duplicate notifications
- The email notifying that an account has expired is only sent the day after it expires
- On Internet Explorer, the “Launch” button does indeed cause the desired action
ConsignO Cloud 2.23.1 – August 4, 2020
- The Terms of User are now shown when creating an account
Bug fixes
- It is now possible to launch a signature project with a person to be notified whose authentication is done through the IdP of the organization
- The signature projects to be signed by a user (project initiator) are displayed in their dashboards even if their email address contains capital letters
- The subject line of the English version of the email sent to a recipient of a Certified Copy has been corrected
- The technical error that was generated when launching a project with a CertifiO digital signer due to a reverse DN has been corrected
- Correction made in the Audit Trail which did not display the digital fingerprint (MD5) of the documents
- Correction was made for the purchase of additional licenses in a Business 2 plan where a full purchase was offered instead of a pro-rata for the amount and number of projects
- Changing the phone number of an project initiator user does not display an error message when the latter is a signatory of a signature project
ConsignO Cloud 2.23.0 – June 30, 2020
New features
- Certified Copy:
- Digital signatures in a document contain sensitive information and certain details are considered confidential. Organizations with the Enterprise plan will have the option of downloading or transferring a certified copy of the completed signature project documents. This copy will remove all the information regarding the signer’s identity and keep just the signature appearance.
- ConsignO Cloud API service makes available the feature of downloading finalized documents in certified copy. The generated copy will remove the the sensitive information linked to these signatures and will just keep their appearances.
- The new version of the R13 service allows the signatory to complete the transactional data exchange process in the web browser from start to finish, without the need to download and install the Verified.Me mobile application;
- Manual renewal for new business plans with used or purchased licenses is possible 30 days before the plan expires;
- The anticipated manual renewal of the Business 2 plan with licenses purchased or used is possible when the package is used up to 90% of the total project packs
- Removal of the subscription form for organizations that delegate authentication via an IdP and the second factor is not required.
Bug fixes
- The display of the download button for the signed document in the dashboard despite the fact that the activation of downloads is disabled for the organization has been fixed;
- The renewal of a Business 2 plan with a single license used instead of the minimum of 2 has been corrected;
- The individual plan will no longer display the following options: persons to be notify, undefined approver, forward in creating projects or templates pages;
- An identical signer who could not be added to the address book of another group in the organization has been corrected;
- The difference between the name specified by the project initiator and the name of the signatory from which was not mentioned in the signature project email has been added;
- The multi-click on the “launch projects” button which created a launched project and a draft with the same document id has been corrected;
- The scenario where it was not possible to keep all the information of the multiple text fields filled in after clicking on “Validate” when a signatory failed to fill all the fields has been corrected;
- The failure to display the error message in the CSV import template when the response of the shared secret is less than 3 characters has been corrected;
- The scenario of a multi-document project where it was possible to approve and sign without filling in the text fields has been corrected;
- A SAML project initiator which had editable fields in the “My Account” page has been corrected;
- The change of email address of a business account with a different domain but part of the paid account has been added;
- The last filter selected on the address book is kept when the book is restarted;
- The rights of the group users which did not appear in the roles of the organization group have been corrected;
- The payment receipt for new business plans which did not display all billing lines after the click on the link via the received email has been corrected.
ConsignO Cloud 2.22.0 – April 22nd, 2020
New features
- For Business 5 and 20 plans:
- Integrate option to buy extra bulk projets as well as the bulk send counter;
- Purchase handling in “My Organization” page: adding licenses and bulk project packs to the cart;
- View all billing lines and pay all your purchases.
Bug fixes
- Bulk projects purchased in Business 5 and 20 plans will be added to what’s left of your previous bulk projects;
- Display the roles or rights available when editing a user in the organization (role) or a group in the organization (rights) for the free period of the Business 5 plan;
- A scenario where it was not possible to delete a signature project that was in a transient state has been corrected;
- Redirecting to an organization’s IdP and handling related domains is no longer case sensitive to the email domain;
- Receive a notification email when a signatory is deleted from a project;
- Access to the page for downloading the final document by signatories authenticated through an external IdP;
- Scenario concerning the editing of a signature project which contains digital signatures as well as the manipulation of a text field which blocked the finalization and approval of the signature project has been corrected.
ConsignO Cloud 2.21.3 – March 19, 2020
Bug fixes
- Following issues recently experienced with CAPTCHA V3, CAPTCHA V2 has been enabled
ConsignO Cloud 2.21.2 – February 27, 2020
Bug fixes
- Appropriate handling of email addresses with capital letters provided via an IdP
- Correction to the management of codes sent via phone call
ConsignO Cloud 2.21.0 – February 4, 2020
New features
- Option to delegate authentication of signatories to the IdP of an organization – Enterprise Plan
- The web interface allows you to define signatories whose authentication is done via the IdP (SAML) of an organization
- An option is now available to complete a signature project for which signatures are missing
Bug fixes
- The decline reason if properly filled in the “declinedReason” field of the webhook
- Cases where the interface did not update during a connection or disconnection and made a loop have been corrected
- The function to sign all documents of a given signature project now supports CertifiO digital signer
- An error is no longer displayed when updating a contact who has already signed a signature project
- Adding a signatory to a document of a signature project linked to a group displays the signature zones when a project initiator accesses a signature project edited by another project initiator
- The signature projects of a group are well displayed for all members of the group
- The error message advising that a signature zone is missing on a document is displayed when a project saved in this condition is launched
- It is possible to add a CertifiO digital signatory to signatories in parallel order of an already launched signature project
- Corrections to the content of certain fields appearing in the files generated by the CSV export function
- The Set the order is functional when a signature project is saved or duplicated
ConsignO Cloud 2.20.0 – November 7, 2019
New features
1. Bulk projects (Enterprise plan)
The Bulk upload feature has been improved to do the following:
- Users are now allowed to create bulks projects using text fields that apply to all participants in a given list
- Users are now allowed to upload more than one csv per bulk project, as long as these are of the same size. These apply to both signers and text fields
- Users can reuse a recently uploaded list to create a text field for the current bulk project by clicking on the: […] located next to the signer’s zone
- Users have the option to select a particular list to be used in the fusion field. That said, the name and last name of the person in the selected list will appear in all individual projects and in the email subject lines
2. Export of CSV files
Users are now able to export project related data into CSV format from the dashboards: My projects and My organisation projects.
- The re-dimensioning of text fields is now allowed and the limit of characters to be inserted is 120
- Documents using base64 encoding can now be incorporated into existing in progress workflows launched via API
- Users can now multi-select completed projects and download in bulk all their selected audit trails and signed documents
ConsignO Cloud 2.19.0 – September 10, 2019
New features
1. Welcome wizard
This new feature provides a smoother and more enjoyable experience for new ConsignO Cloud users.
Three self-guided tutorials have been added to the app:
- Quick Start: This introductory tutorial shows users the basic features to start a signature project for the first time
- Advanced Features: Introduces users to the available options that can be used when creating projects
- Manage my dashboard: This tutorial details the various functions available on the dashboard, thus facilitating the management of the different projects created
Some additional details to mention:
- You can navigate through the tutorial steps using the NEXT and PREVIOUS buttons
- A pop-up window appears on the screen when the user logs in for the first time to inform him of the new tutorials available. However, these tutorials remain accessible at any time by clicking on the icon “?” located in the ConsignO Cloud header
2. Batch deletion
To facilitate the deletion of projects, a new feature has been added. It allows project initiators to multi-select projects and delete them with one single click.
Some things to keep in mind:
- This option is always active on the My Projects page and the My Batch Projects page.
- You can select projects individually or use the global check box to select ALL projects in your active page.
- If you have entered a filter in the search field (refine your results), only the selected items displayed on the active screen will be deleted.
- If a signatory is involved in multiple deleted projects, they will receive a single email mentioning all the deleted projects they were to sign.
- Users from all ConsignO Cloud plans can enjoy this functionality.
3. Signature in parallel
It is now possible to add a digital signature in parallel with another participant within the same steps.
- The number of an annotation has been added to the “Actions” so users can find the correct rating on their screen
- The document name and page number has been added to the audit log to provide more information to users
ConsignO Cloud 2.18.0 – August 1, 2019
New features
1. Bulk signature projects
This new feature allows project initiators to send the same signature project to a list of signatories in a single click.
- You can import the list of signers using a CSV file
- You can add fixed participants to your bulk project, and they will appear on the individual projects launched (ex: signers, approvers, or persons to notify)
- A new page Bulk project’s has been added to the ConsignO Cloud sidebar, and can be used to manage your bulk projects
- Users on an Enterprise package can benefit from this new functionality
2. Annotations
This new feature allows users to add notes and highlight a section on a project document.
- The project initiator adding a note can be sure its signers will acknowledge the annotation, as the signatory must “mark as read” before being able to sign the document
- Annotations do not appear on the signed final document. However, their reading status is captured in the audit trail
- The contents of the annotations are not captured in the audit log, for this information remains private to the project initiator
- Annotations are visible and mandatory for all participants in a project
3. Email notification settings
A new section under the “Preferences” menu has been added, which allows users to customize their email notifications
- 3 preferences were added: By action, by project completed and limit notifications
- When the notification by action is selected (our default behavior), an e-mail is sent every time an action is completed by a participant in a signature project (ex: approved the project, added a text field, received a signature)
- When the notification by project completed is selected, an email is sent only when all steps are passed and the project has been set to status: completed
- The Limit my notifications option allows you to opt-out from receiving standard project notifications. However, you will still be notified when a project is rejected or when it is approaching its expiration deadline
- The email notification sent to project initiators advising that it is his/her turn to sign now displays key information in bold
ConsignO Cloud 2.17.2 – June 28, 2019
- It is now possible to restrict the maximum size of the font used in the description text of a signature appearance
- To reinforce the confidentiality of a signatories information, a solution was implemented so that the full phone number of a signer does not appear on the signature reason field. Instead, we now show only the first and the last three digits. To note that this option is configurable per organization owning an Enterprise plan and deactivated by default.
ConsignO Cloud 2.17.1 – June 11, 2019
- My organization page was improved to allow users to insert the phone number of the instrumentant / the organization. This valuable information is now available in the email signature block
Key fixes
- A solution was applied to correct a minor display error where the label of a text field did not appear in the preview of templates
- The option to limit the maximum font size for the text displayed on a signature is now properly applied
ConsignO Cloud 2.17.0 – June 5, 2019
New features
- An organization can add custom headers to be used in the Webhook notification feature of the API
- This new option is located under the API section in My Organization menu and it allows you to define new headers to be used when notifications are sent through Webhook
- The field: “From” of the notification emails can use the name of the group for which a project has been defined instead of the name defined for the organization
- Contact Notarius to activate this function
- As a pack of projects approaches its expiry date, email reminders are being sent to administrators within 30, 15, and 5 days prior the deadline
- When selecting a filter on the address book, the last item selected will remain active the next time you open the address book
Key fixes
- When sending out an invitation to join an organization, the uppercase entry in the email address is now allowed
- An explicit error message is now presented if, at the generation of an API key, the email domain entered is not listed as an authorized domain for the organization
- When importing contacts, the primary action button is now blue and located at the bottom right of the results window
- The window displaying the contents of messages on the signature page remains open when one clicks on it
- The number of characters allowed in a text field remains the same regardless of whether the action is taken from a mobile, a tablet, or a computer
- E-mails advising the expiry of a business plan are now being sent only to the administrators and managers of the organization
- The preview of the signature appearance displayed when entering a handwritten signature displays the text content on two lines
- When duplicating a signature project that contains a document who had had signatures with ConsignO Cloud or ConsignO Desktop, no additional zones are added
ConsignO Cloud 2.16.0 – April 23, 2019
New features
- Signature zones are now resizable, although they still respect their original size proportions
- Offices document support
- Automatic conversion of most Offices documents to PDF format when uploaded into a signature project
- It is now possible to create a copy of a signature project directly from My projects dashboard
- The new signature project is created with the same properties as the original project. However, it will exclude signatures that were previously obtained
- Signature projects can now be saved as a templates directly from My projects dashboard
- The new template is created with the same properties as the original project. However, it will exclude signatures that were previously obtained
- The ConsignO Cloud API now allows to define signers using delegation of authentication to an IdP, which has been pre-configured for the organization
- Signature whose authentication is provided by the organization owning the signature project are referenced as “Electronic Signature – Delegated ID Authentication”
- A configuration option was added exclusively to the Enterprise plan, which now makes it possible to disable/enable the sending of certain e-mails to signatories or project initiators. Ex:
- Disable e-mail notifications to signatories when a signature project has been completed
- Disable e-mail notifications to project initiators when a signatory has signed a document
- A pack of projects that is about to expire can now be automatically renewed.
- The icon of my projects is now the image of a folder
- The audit trail now indicates the version of ConsignO Cloud from which it was produced
- The signer’s name appears inside the text box below the handwritten capture, or the image
- Using the delete mode does not display the project initiators. These are not editable from the address book.
- The option to send an additional reminder is now available through the options button located on the signature projects dashboard
- The content added to a text field is dynamically adapted to the size of the zone. A notice is shown in case too many characters were entered
- Clarifications were added to the various roles that can be assigned to project initiators
Key fixes
- On the Address book view, the “Add” button is no longer active if no contacts are selected
- The “Enter” key is properly applied to the primary function displayed on different windows
- The icon indicating that a private message has been added is properly displayed for an Approver
- Documents with capital letters in the extension name are now accepted by the platform
- A specific error message now displays when a document with an invalid signature is uploaded
- The text advising to move the zone on the document is no longer displayed if the only participant in the project is an Approver
- Fixed an issue where a duplicated error message appeared on the screen
- Upon deletion of a signature project, the notice indicating the participants who did not download the final documents takes into consideration the person who started the project and the person who wants to delete the project.
ConsignO Cloud 2.15.0 – March 14, 2019
New features
- Introduction of a new project participant type: approver
- The approver can be defined at any stage of a project
- A project cannot advance to the next stage until the approver has approved
- The approval is captured in the audit trail, but not on signed documents
- Available in the Business and Enterprise plans
- An About option is now available via the main menu and provides quick access to the following information:
- Contact Notarius
- Attend a webinar
- Find out more about ConsignO Cloud via the website
- Release notes informing users of new features, improvements and key fixes
- User guide
- For deployments using authentication delegation in the Enterprise plan, an option to allow a signature without an additional authentication factor for authenticated project initiators is now available
- A new role (project initiator restricted to groups) prohibits projects initiators from creating a personal address book, modifying signatories and creating projects if they are not part of a group
- API:
- Ability to update specific project elements without defining all the parameters (partial PATCH/PUT)
- Indications if participants have downloaded documents in a project’s details
- Ability to add a person to be notified via a new options button
- The alignment of the signature aspect more closely resembles the preview
- Dynamic display of an informational message according to the default role in groups
- Display of a specific error message when attempting to insert HTML code into a field
- API:
- Removal of the document image in the POST/documents response
- An error is returned if the signature type is not defined
- The ref and assignedTO parameters are now String-type
Key fixes
- The signature button remains visible and at the same position regardless of the window size
- A document whose order in a project has changed and which has been replaced does not appear twice in a project
- The organization name entered in the global parameters is integrated into the examples provided when customizing communications
- Contacts in group address books are displayed when the organization address book is empty
- PDF/A conversion retains the quality of the original document
- The characters <br> no longer appear in the signature zone when signatories’ first and last names contain more than 32 characters
- Adjustments to column widths in the dashboard
- Search fields are not case-sensitive and take spaces into account
- When a project initiator using authentication delegation via SAML logs out, the user is taken back to the login page
ConsignO Cloud 2.14.0 – January 31, 2019
New features
- For deployments using authentication delegation for their project initiators, the IdP can now manage user membership and the level of rights for groups defined in ConsignO Cloud
- Project initiators are automatically added to the organization’s address book
- Project initiators can now download non-final documents from a signature project
- Signatories can now capture their handwritten signature
- The ConsignO Cloud API now allows to define a label field for each document uploaded in a signature project
- Introduction of a new level of rights in groups: Partial without content editing
- Ability to view the list of group projects, access the audit trail/final documents and access shared content (group’s address book and templates)
- When creating a signature project, the most recent group is assigned by default
- The voice message, for phone calls made to send a code to enter, now asks signatories to press a button before the code is read
- The “Escape” and “Enter” buttons are effective in the dialogue windows
- API:
- Addition of fields linked to the documents object in the GET/workflows/workflowId operation response
- Ability to use the returnURL for all types of signatories (remote and embedded)
- Option to specify a name and email address to be used in email communications with signatories for projects initiated by a platform using the API, rather than the platform name
- Using the API Key/Secret allows a platform to access of all of the organization’s projects and all group projects, without any restrictions
- Progress on projects initiated using the web interface can generate notifications sent via Webhooks
Key fixes
- The “Renew” button appears when a subscription is set to expire in less than 30 days
- Contacts in an organization’s address book are not displayed when the view is filtered to display a group’s address book
- On the organization projects page, the application of a group filter displays the signature projects linked to the group
- Adjustments to the icon positioning in the dashboard
- The projects to be signed that are prepared by other project initiators are displayed on the signature project page and are filtered according to their status
- An initiator that has been deleted from an organization can re-create an account
- Adjustment to the text inserted into emails when a message is added by the project initiator
ConsignO Cloud 2.13.0 – December 17, 2018
New features
- A project initiator can now add messages to the signature project:
- A general message: communicated to all signatories and added to the notification email as well as posted on the signature page
- A private message: communicated only to a given signatory via the notification email as well as on the signature page
- In addition to the project model functionality, it is now possible to replace a document while keeping the signature zones
- The dashboard now allows to display all the signatures projects that need to be signed by the current user for his projects as well as the one initiated by other within his organization
- The signature of several documents can now follow a mandatory order determined by the project initiator
- From the dashboard view, the search box now allows to search for signature projects by signers (name or email) and projects name
- The signature preview displayed when positioning a signature area on a document is presented with a light colour background to distinguish it from a signature already applied
- On the signature project creation page, the option to replace a signer is now available through an Options button under which you can also find the option to send a private message
- Simplified experience with the use of reCAPTCHA v3 on the account creation form and the password reset pages
- A preview of the signature appearance is displayed for the undefined signatories when used in a project template
- The group to which a project belongs is displayed under a column on the organization project dashboard
Key fixes
- Within a group, a project initiator with partial rights has edition permission for the projects he created
- When used, the phone number extension does appear in the Audit Trail
- Changes applied to the second factor of a signatory for a signature project with more than one signatory are properly propagated
- Adjustments to various texts
- The code sent via a phone call is now repeated five times
- On the organization’s project page, the search box properly handles the cases where both a first and last name are entered
- The list of signature projects is properly shown when both the filter and the paging are set to “all”
- The project initiator email address is no longer case sensitive
ConsignO Cloud 2.12.0 – November 9, 2018
New features
- The audit trail is available to all project signature participants
- The ConsignO Cloud API allows to specify anchors to automatically place signature zones
- The ConsignO Cloud API allows for more flexibility and consistency when specifying the pages where signature zones are to appear
- The “Approve and Sign” button becomes inactive from the initial selection to avoid further processing
- The decline option is not available for documents that don’t require a signature
Key fixes
- A payment confirmation email is sent when paying a business plan with a credit card
- Document download is functional on IOS mobile devices
- When assigning a text field to a new owner, the contact definition window is shown
- Precision added to certain error messages
ConsignO Cloud 2.11.0 – October 9, 2018
- The text field content is now aligned with the bottom left corner of the zone
- The test field label is now limited to 50 characters
- When a signature project is declined by a signatory, the email sent to other signatories, already involved with the signature process, provides more precision on the state of the project
- The audit trail provides the details of the application that initiates a signature project when the option is enabled
- The address book icons are properly aligned when opened through a mobile device
Key fixes
- The audit trail is created even when the project name contains the “/” character
- The template’s name can contain special characters
- The icons and selection boxes appearance is consistent under Safari
- Adjustments to component alignment under Internet Explorer
- Various text adjustments
ConsignO Cloud 2.10.0 – August 28, 2018
New features
- A decline option is now available for the signatory that doesn’t want to approve and sign a document. It allows to provide a reason for declining
- The roles attributed to the users can be managed from the organization’s Active Directory, given that authentication delegation through SAML is enabled
- A visual preview of the signature aspect is now directly shown when positioning a signature zone on a document
- Automatic email reminders are now sent five days following the last notification communicated to a signatory
- Various text alignment adjustments
Key fixes
- Editing a text field label is properly saved
- The option to not force a signature order is properly saved when editing a project model
- Various text adjustments
- When a text field needs to be filled, the “Apply and send” button is always visible on mobile
- Changes applied to a draft signature project can be saved
- The count of zones defined on a document is properly shown when opening a launched signature project
ConsignO Cloud 2.9.0 – July 31, 2018
New features
- With the enterprise plan, the authentication of the project initiators can be done through the Active Directory (AD) of the organization
- Automatic connexion to the user account when authenticated through the AD
- SAML based
- It is possible to define a separate signature aspect for external signatories versus signatories being a member of an organization
- Access to the address book and the creation of a new contact have been standardized between the various access points
- The Approve and Sign button is always accessible on the signature page regardless of the size of the screen
- On the signature page, the selection of a zone is via a single click and is possible from a mobile phone
- The positioning of the signatory’s name is centred vertically in the signature area
- With the Business plan, when purchasing additional licenses, the price is displayed and takes into account only the remaining months before renewal of the master license
Key fixes
- It is now possible to assign a text field to a person who is already a signatory
- When selecting a signatory, the contacts in the address book of a group are displayed even if the other address books are empty·
- Precision added to certain texts
- The post signature page properly scrolls to the page where the signature aspect appears
- When a project initiator has downloaded the final documents, and deletes the signature project, he does not appear in the notice indicating the people who have not yet downloaded the final documents
ConsignO Cloud 2.8.0 – June 28, 2018
New features
- The project templates now allow to create undefined signature zones and text fields
- The undefined zones allow to create a zone without assigning a signatory or a text field owner. A contact is assigned when a signature project is created from the template containing undefined zones
- The rights allowed to the members of a group can be managed directly by the organisation’s administrator
- A “Signer” button allows to directly access the address book to add signatories to a signature project
- While editing a signature project, a confirmation message is shown in case another page is accessed, allowing the user to save the changes
- The belonging to a group is displayed on the templates page as well as on the users list
- A visual feedback is presented when a text field is filled
- The templates page shows all available templates and allows to directly launch a signature project
- It is now possible to export/import CertifiO Digital signatories and to include the shared secret as the second factor
- Merges with existing contacts is taken into account when changes to the address book are conducted
- When accessing the address book, the options available take into consideration the context in which it is opened
- An informative message has been added to advise that a reconnexion might be necessary for certain changes to apply
- The cursor is automatically positioned on the first field when a new page or window is opened
Key fixes
- Small screen user interface adjustments
- Accessing the link to sign a document properly sends the code to the most recent phone number edited
- The contact import function allows to define an extension with a variable number of digits
- Replacing a text field owner with a contact already present in the project is now possible
- Consigno Cloud’s logo is used when accessing Certifio Manager and the waiting bar is animated
- Browsing the address book is now functional on Samsung phones
- From the purchase page, navigating back brings the user to the previous page
ConsignO Cloud 2.7.0 – May 23, 2018
New features
- It is now possible to define signature project templates and to use them to create projects
- The templates allow to include or not documents, to define signatories, text fields and the signature order
- Within an organization, templates can be shared with all users or within groups
- Exporting contacts from the address book is now possible and allows to select the contacts and to generate a CSV file. The later can be used for contacts import
- Uploading simultaneously multiple files into a signature project is now possible
- On the signature page, the signature zones can be selected and allows to approve and sign directly
- Editing a contact from the address book does get the changes propagated to applicable ongoing signature projects and the reverse, editing a contact from a signature project does apply the changes to the address book
- A signatory can be added into a signature project that has already started to be signed
- The number or characters that can be entered into a text field is displayed and is decremented as characters are being typed
- The user’s email address is prefilled on the connexion page when returning from a payment
- The group to which a signature project is associated is displayed on the project’s dashboard
Key fixes
- For the person to notify, the display of the names is consistent with the rest of the application and is: first name, last name
- On Outlook, the text displayed on the buttons appearing in emails is white
- The link “The Notarius team” properly leads to a page following the initial language
- The role assigned to a user is displayed when editing the role of a user
- In English, the date displayed follows the format: Month Day Year
ConsignO Cloud 2.6.0 – April 24, 2018
New features
- With the Business and Enterprise plans, additional roles, with distinct permissions, can be assigned to project initiators. The available roles are:
- Administrator
- Permissions: Editing rights on all organization projects, shared content, organization settings as well as users and billing management
- Manager
- Permissions: Editing rights on shared content, organization settings as well as users and billing management
- Secretary
- Permissions: Access to all completed organization projects and shared content editing rights
- Editor
- Permissions: Shared content editing rights
- A project initiator that has the Administrator or Manager role can assign roles to any users of the organization
- For the Enterprise plan, it is now possible to define groups of users for the management of projects or the sharing of content such as projects or a group address book. It is possible to:
- Create and edit a group
- Assign members to a group
- Filtered projects based on group
- Define a group address book
- For the Business and Enterprise plans, an option to add people to notify is available on the project creation page. The people added are then notified once a project is completed and have accessed (through authentication) to the signed document
- A Freemium plan is now available and is automatically activated once a free trial has expired or when a plan has expired before being renewed
- When accessing the address book, the page context is kept
- From the address book, it is now possible to select multiple entries and delete them
- With the Business and Enterprise plans, the organization’s name is displayed on the various pages of ConsignO Cloud
- On the signature page, the selection of a required action brings the document at the page location where the action applies
- The maximum font size of the text field has been set to 12
Key fixes
- On Microsoft Edge, when a user action is successful, an error message is no longer shown if a browser exception occurs
- For a project launched with parallel signatories, all emails sent to the project initiator properly indicates the names of the signatories involved
- When removing the last signatory of a project, an email indicating his signature is no longer required is properly sent and an email notification is also sent to the other signatories and the project initiator indicating that the project is completed
- The clickable area of hyperlinks has been increased
- When removing a signatory from a draft project where various signature types appears, no error occurs
- While editing a draft, changing the signature order from parallel to sequential properly displays the ordering number
- The instruction text remains of a normal size when a document is uploaded into a project through the drag and drop option
- For a project initiator that is already connected to his ConsignO Cloud account and has to sign a document, he does not have to enter his second authentication factor when downloading the document
- When defining a new contact, the checkbox “Add to the address book” is checked by default
ConsignO Cloud 2.5.0 – March 7, 2018
New features
- A Business plan is now available and allows, among other things, to regroup multiple project initiators within the same organization
- To subscribe to this new plan or to get more information, just visit our web site or select the Buy button once connected to your ConsignO Cloud account
- Now available with the Business and Enterprise plans:
- An organization console that provides an overview of the organization project initiators and allows to invite or remove project initiators
- A global address book that can be managed and shared with the members of an organization
- Configuration parameters related to an organization
- Option to use the organization details in the communications with the signatories instead of the name of the project initiator (anonymous project initiator)
- Project initiator licences state details with the option to purchase additional licences (Business plan)
- When deleting a completed project, a list of the people that have not yet downloaded the documents is now shown
- It is now possible to edit the names of a project initiator from the My account option
- A list of the required actions is available from the signature page
- An option to activate the automatic payment through credit card is now offered
- The PDF/A conversion preference is available only from the Preferences option
- When uploading a document that cannot be converted to PDF/A into a signature project and where the PDF/A conversion is set to mandatory, a message is shown to the project initiator
- The Audit trail shows the PDF/A conversion result for each document uploaded into a signature project
- The CertifiO digital signature type is now detailed in the Audit trail
- Audit trail esthetical adjustments
- The message indicating to position a zone on a document is only shown when at least one zone has been defined and one document has been uploaded
Key fixes
- The phone number extension field now allows to input up to 10 digits
- Precision added in the content of reminder email notifications
- Messages shown after signing a document that is part of a project with multiple documents have been adjusted
- It is possible for a signatory to access a project that had expired but was updated with a new expiration date
- The signatory name is not duplicated in email notification sent when a project is about to expire and where a signatory is also responsible for a text field
ConsignO Cloud 2.4.0 – January 24, 2018
New features
- It is now possible to add multiple documents to a signature project
- A partner can directly integrate into their web application a ConsignO Cloud signature page through an iframe or a redirect
- The documents signed through ConsignO Cloud comply to the level 4 (BLT-A) of the PAdES LTV specification, which ensures that all the proofs and their compatibility through time are included, thus providing a mean to validate the signatures and the timestamps.
- An expired signature project can be extended
- The details view of a signature project now provides the state of the notifications sent and planned
- The signature success page and the email sent to download the finalized documents now includes a link inviting the signatory to subscribe to ConsignO Cloud
- The dashboard is now paginated
- The project initiator can edit the name associated to his account
- The content of the emails sent to the signatories properly distinguish the signature project name and the documents.
- The Audit trail has a new “Signatures” section, more consistency and some updates to existing sections.
- The signatures already present on a document are detailed in a new section of the Audit trail
Key fixes
- The accentuated characters are not allowed when entering the email address of a signatory
- More consistency of the messages shown to the initiator when he signs
- The terms of use are not shown when a document is downloaded by an electronic signatory
- Fixes to a case where the access to the link sent to the initiator to retrieve the finalized document was not working
- Fixes to cases related to the use of the text field
- Notifications are properly sent to a signatory in the case where he is removed and re-added to a signature project
- The action document signing shows the document name in the trail section of the Audit trail
- The next billing date displayed is properly synchronized with the billing system
- The language selection button properly follows the current interface language
- The proper error message is displayed to the signatory when trying to access a deleted project
ConsignO Cloud 2.3.0 – December 5, 2017
- When the authentication page is refreshed or access again, the authentication code remains valid
- The download document option is now available as a hyperlink instead of a button
- An animated spinner is shown when a delay is present before showing a document
- The password reset email now indicates that the link sent expires after a specific time
- Clarification to the content of the validation emails sent when finalizing the account activation that was not previously completed
- Reduction in the number of emails sent to the initiator of a signature project
- The term “Preferences” is used for the account options
Key fixes
- The signature link sent to the signatory can also be used to access the document once signed
- On a mobile, a note about the CertifiO digital signature has been removed in the case of a trusted electronic signature
- On a mobile and for a CertifiO digital signature, the reference to ConsignO Desktop has been removed
- For an AATL CertifiO digital signature, the dialog box indicates to insert the AATL token when the certification is not present within the desktop certificate store
- Correction the display of the signature zone on the CertifiO digital signature and the initiator signature page
- An email is no longer sent to the project initiator when he signs
- Fixes to some cases where the signatories ordering numbers and the colours were incorrect
- The zone counter remains accurate when editing a signatory
- The terms of use are only shown when a signature project can be successfully launched
- When accessing an expired password reset link, the page clearly indicates that the link has expired and proposes an option to try again
ConsignO Cloud 2.2.0 – October 31, 2017
New features
- Besides the signatures’ zones, an option to add a text field assigned by the initiator to the person in charge is now available in our Enterprise plan
- The e-mail, the 2nd authentication factor and the modification of initiator’s password are gathered under the new My Account option in the main menu
- Editing the e-mail or the 2nd authentication factor of the initiator’s account requires a validation through the unedited channel
- An initiator can now replace a signatory who hasn’t signed yet
- It is now possible to import signatories from a CSV file
- The projects requiring a signature by the initiator are clearly displayed on the dashboard
- No e-mails are sent to the initiator when he or she must sign at the launch of the signature’s project
- For security reasons a signatory initiator cannot use the shared secret as a 2nd authentication factor
- When a CertifiO digital signatory wants to sign without downloading the document and that CertifiO Manager is installed, a message will appear mentioning that the access to the signature has been established and that the platform awaits the authentication of the user
- A visual sign shown in the address book indicates that a signatory is already present in the signature’s project
- Meters indicate the number of areas defined on the document by each signatory or text fields as well as the total of both
- The download option to sign with ConsignO Desktop is offered as a secondary action
- Several tooltip messages have been added
- Standardization of informative or error messages
Key fixes
- It is now possible to move back the expiry date of a project
- Diverse corrections of texts
- It is now possible to add a digital signatory at an ongoing step
- A signatory authenticating with a shared secret no longer needs to agree to the terms of use if he or she specified that they shouldn’t show again
- The message is properly played when an authentication code is sent via a call to a phone number with an extension
- Removal of the redundant or unnecessary confirmation messages
ConsignO Cloud 2.1.0 – September 12, 2017
New features
- A signer can affix its CertifiO digital signature through the document signature page without having to download a document
- An initiator can sign a document directly through ConsignO Cloud project management interface
- It is now possible to create and launch signature projects from a mobile device
- The signature aspect fields customization, applicable to all signers, is possible through an agreement with Notarius
- The upload page of a digitally signed document is more explicit as to actions required from the signer
- For a digital signature, the signature page specifies the CertifiO digital signature to be used
- The signature project dashboard now shows projects from the most recent to the oldest
- On the signature project creation page:
- Navigation buttons now allow to move from the current page to the next or previous one
- It is also possible to go directly to a page by entering the number in the box available for this purpose
- The current page number is now displayed
- Signature areas are now proportional to the size of the document
Key fixes
- The address book remains open when cancelling the creation of a signer or when deleting a signer
- The link to the CertifiO product follows the language of the interface
- When an initiator signs a document, only its signature fields are displayed
- Phone numbers are now displayed in a uniform manner
- The display of the security question appears in all cases where it is required
- Fixed incorrect characters in some emails
ConsignO Cloud 2.0 – August 1, 2017
New features
- A shared secret can now be used as a second authentication factor
- It is now possible to make changes to a signed project. For example, it is possible to change the telephone number of a signatory
- The default value for PDF/A compliance is now configurable from the initiator profile
- In addition to sequential communications, signatories can now be contacted simultaneously. It is also possible for the initiator to define a sequential signature order while including groups of signatories that will be contacted simultaneously. For example, two signatories are first contacted simultaneously to sign a document and once the two signatures are affixed, a third signer is contacted
- The cursor is automatically positioned on the code field of the authentication page
- A new entry in the address book is made as soon as one of the fields for a signer is different (except for the language)
- A navigation bar appears to inform you that the entire Terms of Use is not displayed
- When selecting signers from the address book, the “Add” button is positioned to the right and is active only when at least one signer has been selected
- The CertifiO digital signature area displays the name of the signer
- When registering, the optional fields are clearly marked
- The free trial is now 60 days
- An e-mail is sent to signatories, already contacted, when a project is canceled
- The address book remains open when deleting a signer
- When creating an account and selecting “register”, if there is an error, the fields to be corrected will be displayed
Key fixes
- The calendar used when setting a project expiry date now follows the language of the initiator’s profile
- When a signer navigates through a document, the displayed page number follows the current position in the document and vice versa
- Selecting the CertifiO hyperlink from the signature type window opens the CertifiO product page
- Text indicating code fields is no longer truncated in FireFox and Internet Explorer
- It is no longer possible to register a contact in the address book if a wrong phone number format is entered
- When editing a project, selecting the expiration date no longer forces a change of date
- Accents and spaces are taken into account in the alphabetical order of the address book
- Error messages associated with the fields to be filled disappear when the content is corrected
- Reformulation and correction of some texts and error messages
- Some limitations observed on Internet Explorer have been corrected
ConsignO Cloud 1.9.0 – June 7, 2017
New features
- It is now possible to pay the ConsignO Cloud subscription through your company’s account provided that an agreement exists with Notarius
- The ConsignO Cloud user interface can now be branded to your company assets when an agreement exists with Notarius
- Signer’s name is fully displayed on the signature’s visual aspect
- The displayed time uses UTC format
- The initiator can remove the logo from his profile
Key fixes
- ConsignO Cloud is the name used whenever the product name is referred
- The spinning wheels no longer appear on the Buy button
ConsignO Cloud 1.8.0 – May 24, 2017
New features
- On the dashboard, the status and the details of a project are automatically updated
- The ConsignO Cloud API now allows to send notifications through WebHooks
- Many improvements have been made to the mobile experience. Here are the main ones:
- By default, the numeric keypad is presented when it is time to enter the code sent
- The size of the signature zone respects the original proportions
- The size of the document’s preview has been reduced ensuring that the signature and download buttons are visible and to ease the page navigation
- The document download is done through a new window
- Notarius logo and ConsignO name are used when adding a page shortcut on mobile’s welcome screen
- Text has been added to the SMS sent for the communication of the second factor authentication code: « ConsignO Cloud: ###### is your code to sign in. The Notarius team »
- On the document signature page
- Navigation buttons are now available to go to the next or previous page of a document
- It is also possible to go directly to a given page by entering its number in the box provided
- The current page’s number is now shown
- The messages and email’s communications are now adapted to the last signer
- For signers using an iOS device, a note indicating that the signature visual aspect may not be visible when the document is downloaded and visualized through certain applications not supporting all PDF features. It is suggested to view the document through ICloud Drive, Adobe Acrobat Reader or through a computer to see the signature visual aspect.
Key fixes
- When doing a project search, the result counter provides the accurate number of projects
- The address book content presentation has been reviewed and the functionalities are now consistent
- Few UI fixes have been made to the mobile experience
- The buttons are aligned
- The dialog boxes size are adjusted to the screen
- The TOS are shown without truncation
ConsignO Cloud 1.7.0 – May 8, 2017
New features
- Visual signature aspect has been revamped and now contains a Notarius seal as well as related informations : name of the signer, date and how to verify a document
- Product name change : CertifiO Cloud (old name) will now be known as ConsignO Cloud and will be available at
- A signature project’s initiator can now keep his frequent signers within an address book, and quickly define a number of signers
- It is now possible to use international phone numbers so that signers can authenticate with two factors (sms or voice message) from any country around the globe
- Voice message being transmitted during a signer’s authentication is now repeated a number of times in order to ensure a proper delivery through a variety of phone systems
- Inactivity timeout has been increased to 30 minutes
- It is now mandatory to provide a visual aspect zone for every signer while creating a signature project
Key fixes
- A signer is now able to consistently click or press the Sign button on iPhone
- Page titles are now properly displayed using the initiator or signer’s session language
ConsignO Cloud 1.3.0 – March 30, 2017
New features
- The type of signer (Cloud or CertifiO) is now visually represented by an icon in the project creation or modification screen
- The signer’s phone number or mobile/SMS number is now displayed in the PDF’s signature reason
- The initiator now receives a notification by email when his subscription or free trial is about to expire
- The audit trail now includes the signer’s terms of use
- Projects listed on the dashboard displays status of each signature
- It is now possible to extend an active project’s expiry date
- Initiators will receive an email notification when a project is about to reach its archival duration
- When an initiator connects with a non-supported device, a warning is shown indicating some features may not be available (ex: upload a document on a iPad)
- Initiators can unsubscribe from assistance emails during free trial
- Second-factor authentication mobile/SMS or phone call options are better explained on the account creation screen
- Added signing errors (invalid signer, improper zone) in the audit trail
- Added a message to the user when he reaches the maximum second factor authentication attempts
- Size of file type for initiator logo are now clearly described
- Instructions and errors related to second factor authentication are now clearer
- Various visual improvemnents on the sign in screen
- Tooltips have been added to project action buttons
- Initiators can now use an phone extension in the subscription form
- Visual signature aspects on overlaid zones are now properly visible
- Text controls are now the same size as Dropdown controls
- Password rules are clearly described when creating an account
- Various visual improvements on the signers list in the project creation scree
- Signature location is now CertifiO Cloud Canada, followed by the signer’s IP address
- Dropdown menu items color have been improved for better readibility
- Projects can now be started from the modification screen
- Buttons in CertifiO Cloud emails are now flat design to match the user interface
Key fixes
- Signing zones in a saved project can now be moved when modifying the project
- Signing up for a free trial no longer takes the user to the pay subscription
- Main screen dashboard user interface is now properly aligned
- Terms of use in english are now properly displayed on tablets
- When creating a new product, calendar now uses proper language
- When filling up the subscription form, changing the phone number no longer generates an error
- Removing a signer on a saved project now works correctly
- Changing a project no longer generates an invalid phone number error
- Footers in emails sent by CertifiO Cloud are now correctly aligned
- A CertifiO Cloud signature zone overlaid on top of a zone created by ConsignO or Adobe no longer hides the visual aspect
- PDF documents with filenames containing spaces are now downloaded correctly on Firefox
- Signers’ terms of use properly react to the “do not display” option
- On Firefox and Safari, terms of use are now properly placed and aligned on the screen
- CertifiO certificate search results are now properly placed and aligned on the screen
- Transaction receipt for CertifiO Cloud subscription now use the correct link for terms of use
- It is now possible to change mobile/SMS number for second factor authentication while subscribing
- The name that appaers in the initiator profile menu is now properly truncated if too long
- Option “Archival life” has been replaced with “Project archive duration”
- Grammar errors on CertifiO certificat search results are corrected
- Terms of use are no longer shown when downloading the PDF
- A mouse click on the Notarius logo while performing second factor authentication no longer takes the initiator on an empty page
- Launched project counts are now properly computed
- The page which shows status of every signer are now shown with optimized column width
- Various buttons with text and icons are now displayed with proper spacing
- Various spelling mistakes were corrected in the audit trail
- Text displayed while drag’n’dropping a PDF document is now of proper size
ConsignO Cloud 1.2.0 – March 9, 2017
New features
- Support and integration to Notarius’ CRM for customer service (initiators and signers)
- Product metrics
- IT metrics and logs for performance, network and infrastructure
- Ability to download PDF document on the signer’s computer or mobile device, before actually signing
- Display professional order or company name in the CertifiO lookup results
- Change colors on the calendar buttons
- Account expiry information in My Profile
- Improvements on antispam scores from emails sent from CertifiO Cloud, to avoid our emails being trapped in end-users’ spam quarantine
- Add a description to the signature reason for the initial signature after uploading the PDF
- Add information on password rules on the profile and signup form for initiatiors
- Add several simple redirections for free trial and purchases forms
- Various esthetic improvements on two-factor authentification screens
Key fixes
- Improvements on the initiator and signer terms used throughout the product
- Signer authentication would indicate a code being sent by SMS even if voice call had been selected
- Email for returning the document on the plateform wouldn’t show the signer’s name
- Changing email could show inconsistent errors in My Profile
- Error message would always display in english when attempting to change the email address to one already used in the system
- Document zone alignment on the project creation screen
ConsignO Cloud 1.1.1 – January 31, 2017
New features
- Add support for telephone extensions
- Smaller font size for warnings about unsupported browsers
- Focus on the email field on the login page so that form can be submitted with “Enter” key
- Centered dialog for CertifiO signer search
- Project expiration set at 11:59:59pm of the selected day, in the initiator’s timezone
- Verification that a CertifiO signer doesn’t sign a zone reserved to another signer
- Display an error message when system is unable to send a SMS
- Display an error message when a project initiator uploads a logo using an unsupported format
- Display an error message when a project initiator attempts to add a signer whose email address is already in the project
- Display an error message when an invalid SMS code is entered during authentication
- Display an error message when a PDF can not be converted to PDF/A
Key fixes
- Prevent showing user account menu on the login page after a logout
- Update button spacing on the project page
- Buttons can now be clicked when the browser window is very small
- AdBlock prevent download of the document
- Problème d’affichage des apparences de signature des précédents signataires
- Signature zone location incorrect in some browsers / environments
- Upload of the document after deleting the original file
- Prevent modifying email address to an invalid format
- Zone display in the project creation page
- Prevent creation and moving signing zones in a launched project
- Display an error message when project is expired and a signer attempts to connect
- Stop showing terms of service to a user who confirmed he no longer wanted to see them
- Document upload non working in Firefox
- Prevent modifying email address if an account already exists with that address
ConsignO Cloud 1.1.0
- Purchase mechanism for yearly subscription
- Redirect to self-service purchases after account creation
- Add Country and Province fields to subscription form
- Redirect to originally requested page after authentication
- Add action to resend validation email
Key fixes
- Missing translations
- CertifiO Cloud and Verifio to consider test signatures as valid
ConsignO Cloud 1.0.4
- Audit trail: rename title to CertifiO Cloud
- Some page rendering images do not use all available space (when signing)
- New logo (favicon)
- Encryption of page renderings when stored
- Document return validation improvements to ensure no signatures were removed
Key fixes
- Allow special characters (such as ‘&’) in the project and business name
- Second SaaS signature becomes invisible when 2 SaaS signers with zones are assigned
ConsignO Cloud 1.0.3
- Optimization of the document upload process
- Security verification of uploaded documents
Key fixes
- Page order was wrong or incorrect location when document is longer than 10 pages